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Open Studio 2011- Highlights


A peek into the life of an architecture student was offered to the public on the 21st and 28th of October 2011 when the doors of the NUS Architecture studios were opened for all.

Visitors began their visit to the first year studio and had a hand at recreating the first assignment given to architecture students- free hand line drawing.

Moving on to the vertical studios where second years and third years come together to use their skill in real life circumstances. This year, students were working on breathing new life into the railway tracks left behind by the trains that had ceased operation and on improving school life in 40spaces.

The second years show cased their bamboo works, a challenge to create a dome that needed to withstand the outdoor elements and a weight of 50kg.

Next, visitors explored the Masters of Landscape architecture studio, showcasing a whole new side of architecture that focuses on designing the environment around buildings rather than buildings themselves.

The tour summed up with a visit to the exhibition hall where third year projects on bird watching towers in Sungei Buloh were displayed.

If you missed your chance to visit us this year, fret not! Open Studios will be back next year! So expect more exciting programs and keep watching this space for regular updates on activities by TAS!



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