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JTC I3 Challenge


Dear Friend of re:ACT,

ReallyArchitecture will be working with JTC this march on an innovative competition to come up with ideas for new industrial environments. For those of you who have worked with us on CUBE, DMP or YUP before, it is in a rather similar format except that this time, we are focusing more on integrated industrial enviornments (ie. industry with residential with commercial with recreational) rather than neighbourhoods or urban spaces.

Another interesting bit is that we are pitching this as a high-level multi-disciplinary competition, where schools send in their best students to compete with other schools. You can bet that the students will be highly motivated and raring to go!

We are looking for help with the following: 1. Facilitators 2. Programme Coordinator Assistant 3. Logistics Personnel

As the timing of the workshop is approaching, please give me an indication asap if you are interested. There will be renumeration included for all the above. Please see details of the workshop below.

Event: JTC I3 Challenge (Industrial Infrastructural Innovator) Date: 15-18 March 2011 Venue: JTC Summit Building

For more information download the following files above, JTC_I3_Challenge_Info and I3_Challenge_Programme.



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