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CityEx 2013: Commune


The annual City Exhibition showcasing the works of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design students form the NUS School of Architecture is back!

The exhibition will give an insight into the development of our students’ design and problem-solving skills through Years One to Five, and will surely engage design enthusiasts from all background. This year sees the exhibition back at the centrally-located URA Centre along Maxwell Road, so do drop by for an eye-opening experience.

Our theme this year is Commune, relating directly to a confluence of people to live in close contact with one another. The exchange of possessions, responsibilities and intimate thoughts is key to fostering a culture of sharing, adapting and accommodating; a culture where communication within the community creates and define the experience.

Come commune with us.

Join us for the Opening Ceremony of City Exhibition 2013 on the 28 of June, 6:30pm at The URA Centre Guest of Honour: Mr. Chan Sui Him, Chairman of the NUS School Advisory Committee

City Exhibition 2013: Commune runs from 28 June to 13 July at The URA Centre at 45 Maxwell Road. Admission is free.

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