43rd TAS EXCO Elections
The Architecture Society
Dear All,
I am Matt, President of the 42nd TAS Exco. With every new academic year, a new Exco has to be elected into office and TAS is looking to fill 12 Exco positions for the 43rd TAS Exco.
Other than the President, 2 VPs, Hon Gen Secretary and the Treasurer (the Office Bearers), TAS needs to fill 6 Director positions to lead the Education, Publicity, Publications, Welfare, Exhibitions & Events Committees. Do check out our About page for the responsibilities of each committee. For even MORE information, please refer to our Yearbook!
The number of representatives to be nominated from each year are as follows:
1st & 2nd year : 2 from each year
3rd & 4th year : 4 from each year
The above should include the Landscape Aki students too. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, please use the form below.
Exco positions will be assigned via nomination votes.
Members of the various sub-committees will be co-opted at a later stage by the Directors of each portfolio.
There will be an Annual General Election to elect the Office Bearers - do keep a lookout for our announcement!!