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Welcome to TAS Blog Posts! This is a platform where we showcase student projects, share reviews about events, exhibitions, overseas exchange programmes and anything Archi related. We welcome submissions from students studying courses under the NUS Department of Architecture. You can view all posts stretching from 2011 and future posts here!


About Chalmers

Chalmers University of Technology is a university known for her stance towards sustainability and having a vision as an institution to...


Preparation for University of Strathclyde 1)     Visa If you are a Singapore citizen, congratulations! There’s no need for a Visa. If...

Delft and Holland!

Things to know about Netherlands: There are 2 types of coffee shops: ones that sell actually coffee, and one’s that sell something closer...


Life in Lund has some student contributions about general comments in Lund. It’s not architecture-specific, but it’s really helpful!...

Architecture Students on Exchange

We invite all Architecture students who have been on exchange to share your experiences abroad with all of us! This will greatly aid...

Recently concluded events

Our Aki Soccer Playoff was concluded on the 17 of January! Congratulations to the Y5 team which beat all 6 other teams from Y1-4 to...

TAS Presidential Elections 2013

Here are your Presidential candidates for the 34th TAS Executive Committee. Hear what they have to say about themselves and TAS in the...

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